Adidas logo
NLX logo
AFP courts
afp turf
etenon logo 2
mondo logo
gym80 logo2


FITSCAPE, located in Mauritius, is a consultancy service composed of experts in sports infrastructure construction and sports operators specialised in clubs and hotels.

FITSCAPE is the first online platform to provide professional products certified by our team.

FITSCAPE selects:

  • Products according to their brand, their quality-price ratio, their resilience as well as their attractiveness to your customers.
  • The contractors according to their expertise, the quality of their after-sales and customer care service.
  • Discover our range of products, discuss your projects with our experts and create your own sports facilities.
  • We have carefully selected major Mauritian brands and companies to offer our clients high quality products/services for competitive prices

Discover our products

Discover our products



Associated with Adidas, this partnership is a reflection of Fitscape as a brand that stands out in the world of sport with technology and innovations that optimise performance. Mixing quality, economy and innovation for Redsports fields and the guarantee of a great brand for adidas fields.

Gym Equipment

Fitscape has chosen to offer two distinct packages to meet a maximum of needs.

Etenon, a brand providing high quality sports equipment with an original and modern design. Etenon is the reference among gym equipment manufacturers thanks to its competitive prices.

Gym80 provides state of the art gym equipment. Customize your equipment park with various tailor-made options. Create your identity! Fitscape makes it possible!



NLX is a revolutionary LED lighting solution created specifically for tennis. Exposing the entire court, NLX lighting has become a must for tennis court lighting.
Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.